I have used a 1/16 TBN on an aluminum inlay job. Only reason why was it was very intricate and had a ton of small radius turns. If the pieces didn't mate up at exactly the right location on each piece, there would be small gaps in the tight bends.The TBN solved that problem but made it critical to get the tolerance dead on.Keep in mind, the sharper the angle, the more the pieces make up for every .001" of material removal.Using a vbit with a 30 degree gives you much more room for error. If you do try a TBN, I recommend making the male piece first. Then cut the female inlay tight, test fit, then re-machine as needed in very small increments until optimal fit is achieved.
Has anyone used a tapered ball nose bit instead of a v-bit for v carving inlays? Thinking about giving it a try on a small inlay.